Practice Areas

Water Law




Representation in Colorado water rights matters before Colorado’s Water Courts, Supreme Court, Colorado Ground Water Commission and administrative agencies.

Representation in land and water transactions involving the purchase, sale or lease of water rights, from initial investigation to closing.

Evaluation, counsel and results oriented problem solving in matters involving multidisciplinary water law and policy questions.

Support for clients’ policy and legislative goals in administrative and legislative forums.

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Andy is a recognized expert in all phases of Colorado water law, capable of achieving client goals in and out of the courtroom. His experience extends to all water rights actions under the 1969 Water Rights Determination Act, including applications for new surface and groundwater rights, changes of water rights, and augmentation plans, determinations of non-tributary and Denver Basin rights, and actions under the 1965 Ground Water Management Act governing designated groundwater. His litigation experience includes major trials and appeals in Colorado’s Water Courts, District Courts, Courts of Appeals and and Supreme Court, as well as hearings before the Colorado Groundwater Commission. He is an expert in groundwater matters, mutual ditch companies, and changes of water rights. He is a co-author of Colorado Water Law for Non-Lawyers.



Andy’s experience in the development of water law and policy gives him a unique ability to support and advance clients’ policy goals in administrative and legislative forums. In his 22 year career, Andy has drafted multiple water law bills passed by the Colorado General Assembly. He is familiar with Colorado’s legislative processes and legislators, and is a registered lobbyist. He is a participating member of the Colorado Water Congress, and is frequently called upon to testify before the General Assembly on pending water law bills. He has also participated in and authored a number of policy studies funded by the Colorado Water Conservation Board at the request of the General Assembly.



Andy’s broad exposure to the legal and technical aspects of water management, ability to summarize and communicate concepts in understandable language, and experience in facilitation and dispute resolution make him a trusted adviser to clients wrestling with water issues and seeking to advance substantive and policy goals. Andy is capable of organizing and directing multi-disciplinary teams to help clients develop and implement solutions. He has experience in developing statutes, rules and policies addressing water rights issues, and familiarity with thought leaders and academic resources at Colorado’s universities. He is known for his ability to bring creativity to complex challenges and for being on the leading edge of water policy development. 



Water rights transactions are uniquely complex, and require experience, diligence and clear understanding of both law and business. Andy has a track record of successfully guiding clients through large transactions. His experience includes leasing, purchase and sale of mutual ditch company shares, Colorado-Big Thompson Units, tributary water rights, non-tributary water rights, designated groundwater rights, storage rights and reservoirs, sale of related real estate, sale to and purchase by municipal or governmental entities, dry up covenants and lease-back arrangements. He has experience in 1031 exchanges and multi-party transactions. He is familiar with every phase of a potential water lease, purchase or sale of water assets, including initial investigation, contracting, contract amendment, due diligence, title review, objection resolution, closing, and post closing activities. 



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